Monday, October 24, 2011

My First Weekend

Well It is Monday and the first weekend in my challenge is over. To start I have to apologize ahead of time as I got a new phone this weekend and that is what I take my pictures with so I don't have many pictures of meals to show for this post.
My Weekend


Breakfast - I had my normal eggs, turkey bacon and green onion mixture.

Lunch - Leftovers from Thursday's Dinner

Dinner - Slow cooked Chicken, making sure that I only had white meat, and a spinach salad with strawberries and grapes.

I also had a indoor soccer game on Friday. I am glad that I do not feel a lack of energy because I surely need at in these games. There is a lot of quick sprints and shift changes. We did loose our game 4-3 :( but that is okay we did play very well and learned what where our weaknesses are. It was only the first league game of the season. This is my first time playing indoor soccer for a league and I have not played outdoor in years, so this is still very new to me. But it is always good to learn and play new sports, it helps with coordination body awareness and fitness. Also it is FUN!!!

For our Friday evening me and the boy had been invited out for some drinks with some friends. On our way to the pub our friend texted us asking if we would like anything to drink. My man asked for a Kokanee and I asked for a black coffee. As we got to the table our drinks were there and before i even got into my chair my very good friend asks "Are you pregnant?". This seems to be assumed as soon as a girl is not going to be having an alcoholic beverage. This went on for the rest of the evening. There was also a lot of peer pressuring into getting me to have a drink  but I was quite content with my coffee and than water. It was amusing to watch them get a litle tipsy and being completely sober. Another bonus of me on this challenge is that for the these 30 days there is a given Designated Driver.

Mark's Daily Apple: Alcohol

Alcohol is a subject among the Paleo and Primal population that gets discussed regularly whether there are health benefits, if it fits the Paleo mantra and what is and isn't okay to drink. Here is a link to Marks Daily Apple of a discussion where he talks about alcohol in the Primal Diet. It is a personal choice to indulge in alcohol or not but it is good to hear some different opinions. I know that after my 30 Days are up I will be bringing wine back into my life, I enjoy having an occasional glass of wine. I also like beer but that is something I will try to completely stay away from as it is a liquid carb.

Me and my man decided to head up to Edmonton for some us time. we spend the day shopping at West Edmonton Mall. This also meant that we did end up eating out at some restaurants. I did follow the Paleo steps to eating out which can be frustrating. My man is not Paleo and is not planning on going Paleo at any time soon. This also makes things a little more difficult as he eats whatever he likes and when I am craving some crappy food its right there, but I also feel proud of myself every day that I do not give into any temptations. Hoiw do you deal with the tempatations? Do they go away over time?


Still  in Edmonton we went for breakfast at this very cute little cafe. I must say that ordering breakfast is a lot easier. My dish did not look too much like it said in the menu but it was still good. I have also noticed that as soon as you ask for no milk or cream or cheese the waitress tends to assume lactose intolerance and say "no dairy at all right?" and that makes things very easy.


We did come home and make some yummy coconut chicken bites and yam wedges.

Chicken bites
  • egg yolk
  • ground chicken breast
  • onion powder
  • almond meal
  • garlic powder
  • Pepper
  • coconut
- you mix the chicken, egg, garlic powder, onion powder, almond meal and pepper together. in a separate bowl mix almond meal, pepper and coconut.
- make small balls our of the chicken mixture and than roll in coconut mixture.
- fry in frying pan to brown the outsides than place in oven at 375 degrees to cook all the way through.
Yam wedges
  • Yams
  • Olive Oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Cyan Pepper
- cut the yams into wedges. in a bowl mix oil, cinnamon, and cyan pepper mix well and then add the yams till coated. place on baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees till tender.

All in all it was a good weekend and I would love to hear about any new things you tried out this weekend.

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